Stella Kokodyniak

IM Xtreme (IMX) Short Course

LSC Metropolitan
Age 12
Sex Female

IMX Group Points BKR Rank MR Rank New York Rank
SCY 11 & 12 874

IM Xtreme (IMX) Short Course
Age 12
Event Date Time Power Points
500 Freestyle 11/4/2023 6:43.47201
100 Backstroke 10/7/2023 1:22.77153
100 Breaststroke 10/7/2023 1:39.4577
100 Butterfly 2/10/2024 1:20.95235
200 Individual Medley 12/16/2023 2:54.61208
Score 874 *
*Note: Stella Kokodyniak has aged up since the last swim meet. The Power Points and Score are for the current age (12 years old) and not for the age (11 years old) at the last swim meet as displayed in the graph and tables below
Age 11
Date 500 FR 100 BK 100 BR 100 FL 200 IM Score
3/22/2024 6:43.47286 1:22.77259 1:39.45167 1:20.95329 2:54.61310 1351
3/2/2024 6:43.47286 1:22.77259 1:39.45167 1:20.95329 2:54.61310 1351
2/10/2024 6:43.47286 1:22.77259 1:39.45167 1:20.95329 2:54.61310 1351
1/20/2024 6:43.47286 1:22.77259 1:39.45167 1:24.63248 2:54.61310 1270
12/16/2023 6:43.47286 1:22.77259 1:39.45167 1:24.63248 2:54.61310 1270
11/4/2023 6:43.47286 1:22.77259 1:39.45167 1:24.63248 3:13.28123 1083
10/7/2023 6:58.71213 1:22.77259 1:39.45167 1:25.71225 3:13.28123 987

Age 10
Date 200 FR 100 BK 100 BR 100 FL 200 IM Score
3/4/2023 3:07.7967 1:30.03239 1:45.56208 1:28.00327 3:13.28253 1094
2/24/2023 3:07.7967 1:30.03239 1:45.56208 1:30.12287 3:13.28253 1054
2/11/2023 3:07.7967 1:30.03239 1:45.56208 1:30.12287 3:13.28253 1054
1/21/2023 3:07.7967 1:30.03239 3:14.46243 549

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