Stella Kokodyniak

IM Ready (IMR) Short Course

LSC Metropolitan
Age 12
Sex Female

IMR Group Points BKR Rank MR Rank New York Rank
SCY 11 & 12 926

IM Ready (IMR) Short Course
Age 12
Event Date Time Power Points
200 Freestyle 11/4/2023 2:38.40134
50 Backstroke 12/16/2023 37.48214
50 Breaststroke 12/16/2023 47.6036
50 Butterfly 12/16/2023 34.64338
100 Individual Medley 11/4/2023 1:22.09204
Score 926 *
*Note: Stella Kokodyniak has aged up since the last swim meet. The Power Points and Score are for the current age (12 years old) and not for the age (11 years old) at the last swim meet as displayed in the graph and tables below
Age 11
Date 200 FR 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 100 IM Score
3/22/2024 2:38.40209 37.48299 47.6098 34.64409 1:22.09288 1303
3/2/2024 2:38.40209 37.48299 47.6098 34.64409 1:22.09288 1303
2/10/2024 2:38.40209 37.48299 47.6098 34.64409 1:22.09288 1303
1/20/2024 2:38.40209 37.48299 47.6098 34.64409 1:22.09288 1303
12/16/2023 2:38.40209 37.48299 47.6098 34.64409 1:22.09288 1303
11/4/2023 2:38.40209 38.94224 48.0285 35.39368 1:22.09288 1174
10/7/2023 3:07.793 38.94224 48.0285 35.39368 1:26.18195 875

Age 10
Date 100 FR 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 100 IM Score
3/4/2023 1:17.42269 38.94363 48.02215 39.30319 1:26.18339 1505
2/24/2023 1:26.3391 40.65281 50.29137 39.30319 1:32.75204 1032
2/11/2023 1:26.3391 41.70234 50.29137 40.63263 1:32.75204 929
1/21/2023 1:26.3391 41.70234 50.29137 40.63263 1:32.75204 929
12/17/2022 1:26.3391 41.70234 50.29137 40.63263 1:32.75204 929
11/4/2022 1:26.3391 43.16175 47.2853 1:41.2771 390

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