Olivia Holt

IM Ready (IMR) Short Course

LSC Virginia
Age 12
Sex Female

IMR Group Points NOVA Rank VA Rank MD-VA-DC Rank Eastern Zone Rank
SCY 11 & 12 2571

IM Ready (IMR) Short Course
Age 12
Event Date Time Power Points
200 Freestyle 10/20/2023 2:18.29403
50 Backstroke 11/11/2023 34.58376
50 Breaststroke 2/16/2024 35.90559
50 Butterfly 3/9/2023 29.40659
100 Individual Medley 2/16/2024 1:08.89574
Score 2571 *
*Note: Olivia Holt has aged up since the last swim meet. The Power Points and Score are for the current age (12 years old) and not for the age (11 years old) at the last swim meet as displayed in the graph and tables below
Age 11
Date 200 FR 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 100 IM Score
3/7/2024 2:18.29505 34.58470 35.90650 29.40733 1:08.89674 3032
2/16/2024 2:18.29505 34.58470 35.90650 29.40733 1:08.89674 3032
1/19/2024 2:18.29505 34.58470 36.53614 29.40733 1:09.44656 2978
1/12/2024 2:18.29505 34.58470 36.53614 29.40733 1:09.44656 2978
12/8/2023 2:18.29505 34.58470 36.53614 29.40733 1:09.44656 2978
11/11/2023 2:18.29505 34.58470 36.89594 29.40733 1:10.16632 2934
11/3/2023 2:18.29505 35.34423 36.89594 29.40733 1:10.16632 2887
10/20/2023 2:18.29505 35.34423 36.89594 29.40733 1:11.14600 2855
10/7/2023 2:21.47450 35.34423 36.89594 29.40733 1:11.14600 2800

Age 10
Date 100 FR 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 100 IM Score
3/22/2023 1:03.64670 35.34562 36.89712 29.40849 1:12.29703 3496
3/9/2023 1:03.64670 35.34562 36.89712 29.40849 1:12.45698 3491
1/13/2023 1:07.36548 35.34562 38.78616 31.13742 1:14.36642 3110
12/8/2022 1:07.36548 35.34562 38.87612 32.01690 1:15.14620 3032
11/19/2022 1:07.76535 35.45555 38.99606 32.01690 1:15.30615 3001
11/4/2022 1:09.47483 35.75538 39.62575 32.01690 1:15.30615 2901
10/21/2022 1:09.47483 35.75538 39.62575 32.53660 1:16.05594 2850
10/1/2022 1:09.47483 35.75538 39.62575 32.53660 1:16.05594 2850

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