Olivia Holt

IM Ready (IMR) Long Course

LSC Virginia
Age 12
Sex Female

IMR Group Points NOVA Rank VA Rank MD-VA-DC Rank Eastern Zone Rank
LCM 11 & 12 2351

IM Ready (IMR) Long Course
Age 12
Event Date Time Power Points
200 Freestyle 6/29/2023 2:43.07324
50 Backstroke 6/29/2023 38.84432
50 Breaststroke 4/26/2024 43.01458
50 Butterfly 6/2/2023 34.19588
200 Individual Medley 6/29/2023 2:50.41549
Score 2351 *
*Note: Olivia Holt has aged up since the last swim meet. The Power Points and Score are for the current age (12 years old) and not for the age (11 years old) at the last swim meet as displayed in the graph and tables below
Age 11
Date 200 FR 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 200 IM Score
4/26/2024 2:43.07424 38.84525 43.01550 34.19674 2:50.41650 2823
6/29/2023 2:43.07424 38.84525 43.01550 34.19674 2:50.41650 2823

Age 10
Date 100 FR 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 200 IM Score
6/2/2023 1:12.81662 41.92513 43.01691 34.19796 2:55.34722 3384
5/12/2023 1:15.11595 41.92513 44.57623 35.23740 2:55.34722 3193
4/28/2023 1:17.57526 43.50437 45.77572 35.23740 2:55.34722 2997
7/21/2022 1:17.57526 43.50437 45.77572 37.78610 3:09.35561 2706
6/24/2022 1:17.57526 45.40351 45.77572 37.78610 3:17.39475 2534

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