Gigi Demaggio

LSC Ozark
Age 15
Sex Female

200 Breaststroke Rankings

Best Time

Event Time Age at Meet Date Meet
200 Yd Breast 2:56.59 15 10/27/2023 CSC Jim Devine Memorial Invite

Current Season Rankings

Event Group Date Time Std Points CSP Ozark AR-KS-MO-NE-OK
200 Yd Breast 15-16 10/27/23 2:56.59B 325

Rankings by Career Best

Event Group Date Time CSP Ozark AR-KS-MO-NE-OK
200 Yd Breast 15-16 10/27/23 2:56.59

NCAA College Swimming Comparison

If you would like to see a comparison of Gigi Demaggio's 200 Yard Breaststroke time with the fastest 200 Yard Breaststroke times for NCAA college swimmers from each Conference and team, please click on one of the NCAA divisions below. Note: The NCAA college comparisons are provided for entertainment purposes only. We do not guarantee nor predict that Gigi Demaggio will receive an athletic scholarship, be recruited, or gain admission to a college or university based on this information.

200 Breaststroke Percentile Ranks Gigi Demaggio
Total Swimmers Average 10% 30% 50% 70% 90% Time Rank
2014-2023 11086 1108 2:13.61 2:18.70 2:22.80 2:27.43 2:35.76 2:56.59 99%
2014-2023 3813 381 2:21.04 2:27.67 2:32.82 2:39.46 2:51.40 2:56.59 94%
2014-2023 10404 1040 2:26.02 2:33.13 2:39.62 2:47.46 3:02.84 2:56.59 84%

200 Yards Breaststroke

Date Age Time Standard Power Points Swim Team Swim Meet
10/27/2023 15 2:56.59 B 325 CSP Tideriders CSC Jim Devine Memorial Invite
2/12/2022 13 3:16.54 137 CSP Tideriders 2022 FAST Last Chance Meet

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Disclaimer: This Website is not affiliated with USA Swimming nor any Local Swim Committee. The information on this website is not to be viewed as official times nor as official rankings. While we use reasonable efforts to include the most up to date and accurate information on our website, we make no representations as to the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information. The information provided within this website is provided for entertainment purposes only. The information on this website is not intended to be used in any form as part of a College or University Admission Application

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