Marley Dewey

IM Ready (IMR) Short Course

LSC Indiana
Age 12
Sex Female

IMR Group Points SCSC Rank IN Rank
SCY 11 & 12 792

IM Ready (IMR) Short Course
Age 12
Event Date Time Power Points
200 Freestyle 1/26/2024 2:34.74174
50 Backstroke 3/1/2024 37.98190
50 Breaststroke 2/18/2024 42.20234
50 Butterfly 1/26/2024 40.3181
100 Individual Medley 12/2/2023 1:26.59113
Score 792
Age 12
Date 200 FR 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 100 IM Score
3/1/2024 2:34.74174 37.98190 42.20234 40.3181 1:26.59113 792
2/18/2024 2:34.74174 38.29175 42.20234 40.3181 1:26.59113 777
1/26/2024 2:34.74174 38.67158 43.57174 40.3181 1:26.59113 700
1/6/2024 2:57.558 39.44126 45.11115 46.611 1:26.59113 363

Age 11
Date 200 FR 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 100 IM Score
12/8/2023 2:57.5541 39.44201 45.69168 46.611 1:26.59186 597
12/2/2023 2:57.5541 39.44201 45.69168 46.611 1:26.59186 597
7/28/2023 2:57.5541 40.97135 46.73129 46.611 1:40.122 308
7/18/2023 2:57.5541 41.41117 46.73129 46.611 1:40.122 290
4/29/2023 2:57.5541 41.41117 50.2324 46.611 1:40.122 185
3/3/2023 2:57.5541 41.41117 52.521 46.861 1:45.021 161
2/19/2023 2:57.5541 41.41117 52.521 46.861 1:45.021 161
1/27/2023 2:57.5541 41.41117 52.521 46.861 1:45.021 161
1/7/2023 3:04.5610 41.41117 52.521 46.861 1:45.021 130

Age 10
Date 100 FR 50 BK 50 BR 50 FL 100 IM Score
12/9/2022 1:27.3975 44.76118 55.2412 51.761 1:45.0230 236
12/3/2022 1:29.2350 44.76118 55.2412 53.591 1:45.0230 211
11/18/2022 1:31.8822 46.0379 55.2412 53.591 1:49.173 117
10/28/2022 1:31.8822 46.0379 55.2412 53.591 1:49.173 117
10/8/2022 1:45.051 46.0379 57.161 54.511 1:49.173 85
7/29/2022 1:45.051 47.5342 58.011 57.601 45
7/19/2022 1:45.051 47.5342 58.011 57.601 45

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